Midterm Report
Group Members:
- Karthik Duddu (sduddu@cs.cmu.edu)
- Venkat K Srinivasan (venkatks@cs.cmu.edu)
Summary Of Work Completed So Far
The work we have finished so far can be summaried into three different categories. They include a finalization of the preliminary outline of the parallel API we want to provide the users of our package, a sequential implementation of a simple GridWorld example that have created using our own environment package, as well as a clarification of what our project deliverables will likely be at the end of the project timeline.
Finalization Of The Preliminary Outline
One of the deliverables we wanted to complete by the midterm point is a API design that will allow us to offer a full-featured interface for GridWorld examples that utilize the package we’re offering to build ontop of.
We have completed such an interface, and have provided abstract classes within the core of the package that developers can extend to implement the environment that they want. Ultimately, the backend implementations within this abstract class hierarchy will actually implement the parallelism framework that will allow the efficient parallelization of the developer-specified agent’s interactions, including the rich data and control dependendencies that might arise due to the rich interplay and interactions between each of the agents among themselves and with the environment.
In brief, we have devised a 5-stage pipeline which deals with data dependencies between agent actions while exploiting both available axes of parallelism - agent actions and environment updates. That is,
State dependencies between agents: Actions of a particular agent can influence another agent. For instance, an action such as
A1 -> Kill A2
affects A2 but has been issued to A1. In order to deal with the agent state dependencies created by actions, we decouple actions and action updates in the interface. This implies that our framework has to perform the per-agent action update mapping on the basis of the output of the agents. -
Data dependencies between agent actions and map updates: In order to efficiently deal with map updates by agents (which could potentially have ordering constraints) we provide a means of aggregation for related updates via
, thereby enabling unrelated map updates to be performed efficiently.
At a high level, our pipeline consists of the following steps:
- Perform agent state checks and agent action effect generation (parallelized over agents). Agent-specific logic is supplied by the environment designer.
- Aggregate action-effects for each agent (parallelized over agents). This is provided by our framework, and allows decoupling of agents affecting each other.
- Perform agent state update and generate map updates based on all the supplied actions effects (parallelized over agents). The specific update is a part of the API implemented by the designer.
- Aggregate map updates for each ‘unit’ of the map (parallelized over updates). This is provided by our framework, and allows unrelated updates to be performed in parallel.
- Perform map updates (paralellized over updates).
- Calculate reward received by each agent (parallelized over agents).
The sequential implementation has all the above steps implemented. The core packages that we have completed so far can be found under the following link [2].
A Sequential Implementation
One of the other deliverables that we wanted to complete by the midterm point was a sequential implemetnation of a simple GridWorld example using entirely our own packages and core abstractions. This has been completed, as well.
In this example, we create a simple GridWorld that has “food” pellets on the outskirts of the table and allow the multitude of agents that are spawned randomly on the outskirts of the grid to find it. No two agents should occupy the same gridtile at any point; this addition was to create control and data dependencies as a way of testing our (soon to be created) parallel version of the program.
A Clarification Of The Project Deliverables
While initially we wanted to deliver a series of kernels that a user can use to trivially parallelize their environment (on their end), akin to the Spark98 kernels that were talked about in class, our goals have mutated a bit to change the project to be a bit more exploratory.
We now want to reframe the paper by providing an exploratory analysis of the different technologies that we’ve talked about in class, and compare and contrast the performance metrics and performance improvements that we get from each one of them.
In other words, we want to be implement the full API, and provide the users with different underlying technologies that can used. For instance, the user should be able to specify that they want the middleware to utilize OpenMP as a way of parallelizing their environment, or MPI in the case of clusters (or even things like ISPC). If time permits, we also want to provide the CUDA kernels, as well.
Ultimately, our goal is to utilize these implementations of different parallel paradigms, ultiize many examples with different topologies of dependencies – both control and data – as examples that get built on top of our API, and compare which technologies perform the best on each category. We hope that this would allow us to gain a deeper understanding of the fundamental differences between these different parallel framework abstractions and the best practices for applying them to different types of problems with different categories and topologies of dependencies.
Modifications of Deliverables
We hope to change what we’re delivering a little bit, as well. In our preproposal report, we mentioned that we wanted to deliver a series of kernels, similar to the Spark98 kernels, that will allow us offer developers a quick way of parallelizing their multi-agent environments. While this remains one of our stretch goals, we are shifting our focus into a more analytical approach rather than purely focusing on CUDA.
We want to utilize all of the technologies discussed in class this semester, including OpenMP, OpenMPI, Pthreads (or fork-join frameworks) and possibly CUDA (if time permits) into our middleware framework and allow the user to specify a technology they want our middleware to use to parallelize their workload.
In our report, we want to implement multiple examples, both GridWorld-based and non-GridWorld based, that will have varying dependency toplogies that will allow us to examine how efficient each of the aforementioned technologies are at parallelizing that particular format of workload and compre and constrast these things in the report.
Delivery At The Poster Session
At the poster session, we plan on discussing the topology of dependencies of the various examples, as well as what technology works best for each one. A discussion of why will be included, as well. We also plan on having a demo walkthrough of code that uses our technology, and how it makes parallelizing multi-agent scenes simpler.
Largest Concerns
One of the main concerns for us is regarding our stretch goals. We want to utilize CUDA kernels in our deliverables, as well, but due to the memory hierarchy of CUDA, it is far more difficult to be able to parallelize any arbitrary agent action under this paradigm.